Your Source for Technology Training for Educators

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How It Works

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the links below to find out how more details on the requirements for classes in general
Who can attend? What are the requirements for completing a class? Is the professional delevopement credit required? When and where are the classes held? How many people are needed to hold a class? What classes are available? How do I sign up for a class?

Who can attend?

Anyone from your school, school district, teachers from surrounding areas and the general public can attend a class. Professional development credit is only available to current teachers or paraprofessionals.


What are the requirements for completing a class?

The requirements for completing the classes are as follows:

  • Attend all 16 or 8 hours of class.
  • Complete the class activities in class.
  • The will be no outside assignments! Come to class, participate and walk away with a professional development credit and knowledge that can be used right away.


    Is the professional delevopement credit required?

    No, the professional development credit is not required.


    When and where are the classes held?

    Classes are held at various locations around Southeastern Idaho, primarily at the school district where the majority of the participants are from.

    When the classes are held depends on how the school or district has decided to split the required 16 hours of contact time for the professional development credit. These 16 hours can be split in anyway that is convient for the majority of the participants. The classes can be any day as well including Saturdays. That decision is left to the those requesting the class.


    How many people are needed to hold a class?

    There is a minimum of 8 people per class and a maximum of 25. Remember, anyone who is interested in attending can. For classes with a professional development credit a minimum of 8 people taking credit is required.


    What classes are available?

    To see a list of all current clasess please go to the courses link.


    How do I sign up for a class?

    Anyone can request information on a class, superintendents, principals, teachers or technology coordinators. All you need is a minimum of 8 people interested in a single class.

    To register for an upcoming class you can complete the form at the Register for an Upcoming Class page or call Heidi McJunkin at (208) 520-4292 or email her at

    To request a class go to the Request for Information page and complete the form or call Heidi McJunkin at (208) 520-4292 or email her at



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